Monday, March 24, 2008


I just love Easter. Spring is (or at least should be) in the air. It's a time of new life and reflection. Saturday our church had an Easter party for the children. I volunteered to do crafts and things went really well. We had an egg hunt inside the sanctuary because there was too much snow and waaayyy too cold to go outside. I was helping Alex look for eggs. The first one he came across, he had to open it up. So I helped him unwrap his peanut butter cup and went to give it to him. Now Alex, being my tempermental child, do not want to take it from me. Weird, I know. He doesn't like taking things right out of my hand. I have to set it down and let him pick it up on his own terms. So I set the candy down on the pew, and what does he do?? Slaps it to the floor and proceeds to have a full on temper tantrum. Why? I havn't got a clue. So I'm trying to deal with him, and Miss Lenora brings Julian up to me. Julian hasn't gotten a single egg and the eggs are almost completely gone. I asked him what was wrong and why he hadn't gotten any eggs. It was because he had passed up other eggs looking for "the Golden Egg". So, some of the bigger kids put some of their eggs back so that Julian could come away with something. I don't know how to teach to not be that way. I guess it's just one of his little "quirks". He just doesn't understand the consequences. I'm struggling with teaching him to be a grateful child. He's been having issues with saying thank you for what he has. It also seems that he doesn't understand that just because we walk out of the house, doesn't mean we are going somewhere to get him a treat. Uggghh! It's aggravating and I do have a hard time dealing with it. I just try to remember that my children are God's gift to me and he is trusting me to take care of them. Even if they are the biggest TURDS!!

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